Tips on Uses
Tips on the use and care of your Dyna-Band®
The Dyna-Band® is made of latex which is an organic natural substance and will break down and deteriorate after a while, therefore should be protected from extreme temperatures, chemicals, perfumes, sweat and moisture which may cause increased deterioration.
Abrasions from grit/stones in shoes, rough flooring/surfaces and jewellery may create small tears in the rubber and this increases the risk of the rubber tearing.
Storing the products properly will help prolong the life of the product. Dyna-Bands should be laid flat and dusted with talcum powder from time to time. This prevents the rubber from sticking together when it is warm and will ease the process of tying & untying the band.
When tying your Dyna-Band® use a loose knot or half bow so that it can be quickly and easily untied. Do not use fingernails to untie! Alternatively use our Dyna-Band® clip instead of a knot.
Whenever possible, while exercising, try to maintain the natural width of the Dyna-Band®. This will prevent the Dyna-Band® from sliding up the legs or digging into the hands.
Men should wear high enough socks to prevent the Dyna-Band® from pulling at leg hair.
Dyna-Band® can be used to improve the fitness, strength and flexibility of all ages and abilities, just find the right coloured band for you, from Pink (the easiest) to Grey (the hardest). The band can even be combined for added strength!
Holding / tying the Dyna-Band® and using the accessories
Just either grip the band tightly or wrap it loosely around the hands from each end, until your create the desired resistance. Alternatively you can you use the accessories for the appropriate exercises;
When exercises require you to tie a knot in the Dyna-Band® or attach the band to an accessory use a double knot, or use the clip!
Use the Ankle Cuff for some lower body exercises, the Wrist Cuff for shoulder and arm exercises.
Use the Foam Handle for arm and shoulder and wrist exercises.
Use the Assist Strap for stretches and to anchor the band to a fixed object (sturdy pole, railing or fence) or as a door jamb- so you can perform gym-like exercises*.
*If using as a door jamb pass the assist strap through the hinged side of a door and door frame so that the safety nub on the assist strap is behind the door. Close the door securely! Thread the Dyna-Band through the large loop of the assist strap and knot/clip if necessary. Before each exercise check that the door is closed tightly and perform a test by pulling the band firmly. Do not use the door handle side of the door!
Warm up
Please make sure before you take part in any exercise you warm up the body accordingly. This will include some form of light cardiovascular work, mobilisation of joints, followed by a range of dynamic stretches.
Strength training Guidelines
Aim to train each muscle group (upper body, core and lower body) on non consecutive days 2 or 3 times a week.
Try to complete 1-2 sets consisting of 12-15 reps of each exercise (rest briefly between sets)
The mature user should perform more reps (15-25) per set, with a lower resistance band.
Remember to exhale on the exertion phase of an exercise.
All movements should be slow and controlled
Maintain the tension in the Dyna-Band® at all times.
Choose the level of resistance which suits you- it is important to exercise through your normal range of motion. (Partial range of motion results in less strength gain and going past normal range can cause injury).
You have the correct resistance and tension when the last few reps of a set are challenging. Increase/decrease the tension of the band accordingly.
Once you can easily complete 2 sets it’s time to move on to a stronger band.
Don’t grip the handle too hard. Keep your wrist ridged and your hand in line with your forearm.
Standing exercises should be performed feet shoulder width apart, back straight and stomach held in to support the spine. Keep joints (elbows and knees soft), do not lock them out!
Allow 2 hours between strength training and Playing Tennis (or vice versa).
Stretching Guidelines
In order to maintain flexibility it is important to stretch after strength training exercises / workout session.
Each stretch should be held for 15-30 sec, a mild discomfort should be felt- but no pain!
Exhale then move into the stretch position, hold for 10 seconds before increasing the stretch slightly for a further 5-20 secs.
Keep breathing throughout the stretch.
Cool Down
After any exercise session a cool down must be performed. This is where a light session of cardiovascular work is performed, followed by a range of stretches that will last between 15 - 30 seconds